Author: Terrifying Toys
What’s Creepier Than a Crawling Doll Toy?
… A crawling TROLL doll toy! Also.. this toy .. oh my.. it giggles. Imagine the poor helpless children of the 1990s, asking Santa for a simple, attractive, sweet dolly to play with… only to discover this hideous monstrosity under their Christmas trees? Take a closer look (if you dare) at the Russ Troll Crawling…
Odd and Disturbing Gingerbread Cookie Jar
I’m not sure if it’s this Gingerbread cookie jar girl’s oddly textured skin, or her daisy-flower eyes that creep me out so much. I can’t imagine storing anything edible in this cookie jar, nor eating anything pulled from it! I know this cookie jar isn’t really a toy, but couldn’t resist sharing this frightening vintage…
This Toy Will Drive You Crazy
This vintage Marx tin wind-up car and driver is from the 1940s. The driver is a bobblehead, which makes the toy even more disturbing. I really wish the seller had included a video of the toy in action (but perhaps I should be grateful they did not!) -Terrifying Toys
A Monkey Rides a Tricycle
This 1940s tricycle-riding monkey was made in Japan. In an early feat of ingenuity, someone figured out a way to make him work by remote control. -Terrifying Toys
Little Creepy Orphan Annie
Not only did this 1930s tin wind-up toy feature Orphan Annie’s too-big terrifying eyes, it also included stuck-together feet and terrifying backwards arms. I can only imagine what would happen were you to turn the wind-up key! -Terrifying Toys